Sarah Maguire's Cottage Scents & Gifts

Unique Irish gifts Capturing the magic of Ireland and Celebrating the beauty and passion of Irish and Irish American designs that represent thousands of years of Irish history and craftsmanship. Order securely online

Irish gifts and genuine Irish Peat Incense.  Handmade Irish gifts from Ireland and the USA. Shop Irish gifts with Irish peat incense, Irish knits, Irish cell phone cases, copper art, Irish jewelry, and more.

The Burren-Phone Case


The Burren-Phone Case


The Burren, a natural wonder, thousands of years old, in Kilfenora, Co.Clare. Here the limestone 'highway' makes an interesting and beautiful case for protecting your phonet. Sleek & durable hard plastic snap-on case.

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The word "Burren" comes from an Irish word "Boíreann" meaning a rocky place. The Burren Centre in Ireland says "The Burren is an area of limestone rock covering, imposing majestic mountains, and tranquil valleys with gently meandering streams." Learn more about this ancient, natural wonder at

Images of Ireland Collection: Photographed in Ireland by our creative team and printed with state of the art heat transfer, these beautiful photographs are part of the case and cannot be removed by rubbing or scratching. 

Made in the USA


An Irish-American Business

All content is the sole property of Sarah Maguire's Cottage Scents & Gifts ©2010-2024